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Air Ambulance in urgent appeal as thieves target warehouse

Air ambulance staff are appealing for urgent support after a charity warehouse in Daventry was hit by thieves – during the night of Tuesday 4 May.
The thieves left costly damage in gaining access to The Air Ambulance Service’s warehouse, where they took a variety of high-quality donated goods, ranging from collectable items such as figurines and ornaments, through to fashion and jewellery stock.
The numerous items stolen were valued at over £1,000 and were essential income for the charity which operates the local lifesaving Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance, Derbyshire, Leicestershire & Rutland Air Ambulance, as well as the national Children’s Air Ambulance.
And now the charity is appealing for help in seeking additional stock due to losses incurred through the break-in – to offset the financial impact of the losses, and to continue ensuring funds raised and donations given persist to benefit the lifesaving service.
Commenting on the warehouse’s plight, E-commerce and Product Manager Kerry Martin said: “Our hard-working staff and volunteers have been heartbroken by this attack. For thieves to target a charity that raises vital funds to help save lives is beyond belief.
“The Air Ambulance Service exists to provide lifesaving care to those in greatest need but, instead of money going towards the vital service, we now need to incur the cost of the damage made in gaining access to the warehouse as well as losing the income the stock would have generated.
“We really need support at this time and would greatly appreciate any donations of additional stock.”