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Children’s Air Ambulance patient now in good health as he celebrates his third birthday

Children’s Air Ambulance patient now in good health as he celebrates his third birthday

Former Children’s Air Ambulance patient Jayden Baron from Scarborough celebrates his third birthday on 26 February.

It was a few weeks before his second birthday when he was transferred by helicopter from the local hospital in Scarborough to Leeds General Infirmary.

He urgently needed specialist care that was only available at the nearest Paediatric Intensive Care Unit 66 miles away by road – a journey which would take at least an hour and a half, not allowing for traffic hold ups.

But in just 25 minutes, Jayden arrived in Leeds with his mum Louise and a team from Embrace, Yorkshire & Humber Infant & Children’s Transport Service – one of the clinical partner teams that work with the Children’s Air Ambulance.

Jayden had been sedated, intubated, and put on a ventilator due to ongoing breathing difficulties he was having.

On arrival at Leeds, he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit and after two days was well enough to be taken back to Scarborough Hospital with Louise in a land ambulance. After another night he was allowed to go home.

Thankfully, since then Jayden has been in good health.

Louise says: “He is such a cheeky little boy; his personality is amazing. He’s so funny and has us all laughing every day.”

For his birthday Jayden and his sisters are having a tea party with lots of games, dancing, and balloons – which he loves.

“We wanted to celebrate at his favourite soft play centre but as we can’t do that at the moment, we are going to make a big fuss of him at home instead,” says Louise.

She will never forget how the Children’s Air Ambulance transferred her son when he urgently needed specialist care.

“Knowing he was going to get where he needed to be as quickly as possible made the situation easier for me. I hadn’t slept for 24 hours and was in shock when the helicopter arrived. I was really worried about Jayden, but the pilots made me feel that everything was going to be alright.”

“The care they showed during the transportation and even after is outstanding. It’s been almost a year since it happened, and the charity still checks in to see how we are all doing. It means so much to us all.

“The Children’s Air Ambulance is an amazing service and as it gets no government funding it needs to be supported by the public. We are going to do some fundraising when restrictions are lifted and have already got a grant from a local Scarborough charity that supports good causes. It’s the least we can do after what was done for our family,” she adds.

Please click here to read more stories like Jayden’s.