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Warwickshire boy takes on triathlon challenge to support lifesaving charity

Warwickshire boy takes on triathlon challenge to support lifesaving charity

Nine-year-old Nathan Edmunds is taking on a mammoth triathlon challenge this Saturday to raise vital funds to support The Air Ambulance Service (TAAS) which operates the local Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance (WNAA), Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance (DLRAA) and the national paediatric and neonatal transfer service, the Children’s Air Ambulance (TCAA), as they celebrate 20, 15 and 10 years of service.

On 23 September, Nathan will see how many triathlons he can complete in just four hours. Taking place at the Warwickshire Golf & Country Club the challenge will see him complete a 150m swim, followed by a 2000m bike ride, and finished with a 1,000m run – these are the British Junior Triathlon distances.

After a short break, Nathan will complete the sequence as many times as possible within the four-hour timeframe to raise vital funds to support The Air Ambulance Service.

This incredible challenge isn’t a first for the intrepid youngster, who is a seasoned triathlete. In 2022 he completed three triathlons and was crowned grand champion/overall winner in his age category at the Southam Triathlons.

“I completed my first ever triathlon in the summer of 2021 to raise money for The Air Ambulance Service and their lifesaving missions. I enjoyed the experience so much I wanted to challenge myself further and in 2022 I completed three triathlons in three months,” said Nathan.

“It was so rewarding raising money for the charity before that I wanted to do the same this year, but with the incredible challenge of trying to complete as many triathlons as possible in just four hours,” he added.

Nathan began his fundraising journey with the charity when he became a member of #TheCrew.

#TheCrew is an exciting children’s club linked to the Children’s Air Ambulance where children can learn about saving lives, helicopters, medicine, fundraising and how a charity works. The club offers advice and teaching on community work, volunteering, working as part of a team and supporting good causes which form part of many school curriculums.

Nathan’s Mum, Nikki said, “We are so incredibly proud of Nathan and all his achievements so far and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who has sponsored him to date. If you’d like to sponsor him, any amount, no matter how big or small would be very much appreciated to support this charity to ensure their lifesaving missions can continue.”

Anoushka Brown, Youth Development Manager for the charity said, “It is amazing that we have a #TheCrew member, who at just nine years old is taking on this incredible challenge to raise funds for our lifesaving services, and we are so grateful to have his support.”

“Without our dedicated supporters just like Nathan, our WNAA and DLRAA services wouldn’t be able to provide pre-hospital critical care to those who need it most and TCAA wouldn’t be able to transfer critically ill babies and children from one hospital to another for specialist care,” she added.

To support Nathan with his challenge please visit:

To learn more or to support the charity, please visit or or call 0300 3045 999.