Polaroid Frame Tribute photo

In Memory of

David Goodwin

David Goodwin (Gus) was a much loved husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather who sadly passed away on 3rd February 2022. He is missed everyday and leaves a hole in our lives, but with many happy memories.

David's story

David was an amazing man who will always be missed. He was diagnosed with myelofibrosis and at the time we all thought that we would lose him within a few months. However, due to treatments, although we are all lost without him, we feel like we all had an extra 5 years with him meaning that his grandchildren and great grandchild got to the know the man we all loved, and grumpy grandad will always be in their hearts. We never really saw him make any donations to any causes, but he always had a special place for the air ambulance and RNLI. After he passed away we found that he had made a number of donations to each, and therefore at his funeral the collection was towards these two amazing charities, and we raised £700 in total. To remember him, and to help raise further funds, we are doing a 10-12 miles sponsored walk in his name on the 6 months anniversary on 3rd August 2022 with funds raised going to the Air Ambulance.

Remembered by Sharon Hoare, Daughter

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Legacies, also known as gifts in Wills, have a profound impact on our charity, funding 1 in 7 of our lifesaving missions. Legacies are another way in which you can honour a loved one’s memory and that gift allows their memory to live on long into the future, allowing us to save lives of future generations in their name. If you have included such a special gift in your Will, you can now show that on your loved one’s page with a pledge, or you can request to learn more about legacies with our free Gifts in Wills Guide.

David Goodwin's Tributes

  • £10.00
    Donated by Sarah Johnson
  • Well done girls, your dad would be very proud 💛 Amanda x
    Donated by Amanda Kay
  • With love from Mary 💛
    Donated by Jill Goodwin
  • From your amazing little ones. Livvy, Jess, Stanley and Emma. X
    Donated by Sharon Hoare
  • Thank you Mr Pyatt. X
    Donated by Sharon Hoare
  • Thinking of you all xxx
    Donated by Claire Port
  • £20.00
    Donated by Jane Morgan
  • £50.00
    Donated by kathleen goodwin
  • I’m memory of my wonderful dad and grandad. Love you and miss you so much 🤍 xxxx
    Donated by Jill Goodwin
  • 💙
    Donated by Michelle Martin
  • Best wishes 💝
    Donated by DAVID SNAPE
  • Good luck with the walk ladies your dad and grandad will be watching over you xx
    Donated by JULIE PEACOCK
  • £10.00
    Donated by Laura Jayne Goodwin
  • From Kaye x
    Donated by Kaye Heath
  • From Kaye x
    Donated by Kaye Heath
  • Great way to raise funds and remember a loved one xxx
    Donated by Karen Morden
  • Love you always and miss you dad xx
    Donated by Sharon Hoare

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