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Harrogate firm’s support reaches new heights for vital Children’s Air Ambulance

Harrogate firm’s support reaches new heights for vital Children’s Air Ambulance

Harrogate-based charity fundraising and corporate hospitality specialist, Impulse Decisions, have raised a staggering £106,914 for the vital Children’s Air Ambulance (TCAA) charity.

The Children’s Air Ambulance is a national service, changing the face of paediatric and neonatal care through the transfer of critically ill babies and children, flying them from one hospital to another for specialist care – and at an average cost of £3,600 a mission- they’re able to fly approximately four times faster than travelling via land ambulance, helping to save many young lives.

The charity works alongside 11 NHS Clinical Partner Teams across the UK, including Embrace Yorkshire & Humber Infant & Children’s Transport Service (Embrace), part of Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Foundations Trust.

Working closely with the Children’s Air Ambulance since October 2021, the dedicated team at Impulse Decisions have raised the sum of money through their impressive silent auction services.

Heidi Merrin, Marketing Director, said: “We are delighted to be able to donate this money to the Children’s Air Ambulance to help support poorly children and their parents across the country.

“What the charity does is incredible at a time when families need them most. We are excited to be continuing our partnership with Children’s Air Ambulance and are driven to continue to raise vital funds for such an important cause.”

The partnership between Impulse Decisions and the Children’s Air Ambulance flourished ever since they previously worked together at a couple of events – and the results of the partnership have been phenomenal for the lifesaving charity, as the amount raised equates to almost 30 lifesaving missions.

“On behalf of the Children’s Air Ambulance, we’d like to say a huge thank you to the team at Impulse Decisions for their support over the last few years. Our vital charity receives no government funding, so we are incredibly grateful for the support, from individuals and businesses alike, as we depend wholly on these wonderful partnerships and donations to keep our vital service flying,” stated TCAA Community Fundraising Executive, Sharon Evans.

“We cannot thank the team enough for helping to fund 30 vital transfers, this great amount will go towards many more lifesaving missions and further enhancing the Children’s Air Ambulance, to continue supporting the Clinical Partner Teams we work alongside and the critically ill babies and children we transfer,” she added.

To find out more about charity partnerships and how you can help TCAA, please click here.