Polaroid Frame Tribute photo

In Memory of

Sheila Steadman

Sheila sadly passed away on the 27th October 2020. She was a much-loved Mother, wonderful Grandmother, and friend to many. She will be fondly remembered and sadly missed.

Sheila's story

Sheila had a life-long love affair with Wire Fox Terriers. Her parents always kept one as a pet and, being an only child, it was her constant companion. When she met her husband, Ron, they also became interested in showing them. Ron and Sheila bought two wires and off they went to Birmingham National Dog Show where they were fortunate enough to be introduced to the one-and-only Bob Barlow of the world-famous Crackley Wires. Sheila put her heart and soul into preparing and handling her dogs and enjoyed considerable success. Sheila remained very much into her dogs throughout her life– once a terrier person, always a terrier person! - and served on the committee’s of the The Wire Fox Terrier Association (and was elected President in 2003), The Fox Terrier Club and Birmingham and District Fox Terrier Club, even when she was no longer able to attend shows. She made many friends over the years through this community and loved keeping up to date with all the results and happenings in the Fox Terrier world. Sheila was also extremely creative and multi-talented; an accomplished artist and dressmaker, as well as being exceptionally skilled at cooking, baking and cake decorating. She also dedicated a lot of time to giving back and was an active volunteer for 'Meals on Wheels' for a number of years, delivering meals to individuals at home who are unable to purchase or prepare their own meals. The air ambulance was a charity that meant a lot to Sheila and rather than send flowers in her memory, should you wish to commemorate her life in some way, we kindly request donations to the air ambulance on her behalf.

Remembered by Grace Turner, Granddaughter

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Legacies, also known as gifts in Wills, have a profound impact on our charity, funding 1 in 7 of our lifesaving missions. Legacies are another way in which you can honour a loved one’s memory and that gift allows their memory to live on long into the future, allowing us to save lives of future generations in their name. If you have included such a special gift in your Will, you can now show that on your loved one’s page with a pledge, or you can request to learn more about legacies with our free Gifts in Wills Guide.

Sheila Steadman's Tributes

  • This is the contribution my sister Melanie Turner and I received after our 'Celebration of Life' that we held for our mother on Friday 30th August 2021. Thank you to all who attended and special thanks to James and Jeanne for contributing so generously again.
    Donated by SHELLEY Steadman
  • RIP Sheila. You will be missed
    Donated by Andrew Goodsell
  • In memory of Sheila from her friends at Dickens Heath Family History Group
    Donated by David Matson
  • Remembering Sheila, a truly good friend. We shared a love of dogs, especially terriers! Supporting the wonderful Air Ambulance service in your memory. I miss you Sheila xx
    Donated by Ruth Corkhill
  • In memory of Sheila, a past committee member, exhibitor and supporter of the Fox Terrier Club". RIP."
    Donated by roger bebbington
  • So many happy memories of Sheila
    Donated by Jeanne Newitt
  • For Sheila, with love.
    Donated by Rachel Boer
  • Many happy memories of time spent with Sheila
    Donated by Daphne Hartin
  • With fond memories of a kind and loving Auntie we will miss you. Lots of love Siouxsie Rowan and Rachel xx
    Donated by Siouxsie Helliwell
  • Given in deepest sympathy to a worthy cause.
    Donated by Nicholas Ounsworth
  • much love to all at this sad time X
    Donated by James Hartin

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