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Yorkshire volunteer’s contribution thanked by national children’s charity

Yorkshire volunteer’s contribution thanked by national children’s charity

Saying thank you is the theme of Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) when charities and organisations celebrate the unpaid work done by millions of volunteers across the UK.

Volunteers are the heartbeat of the national Children’s Air Ambulance charity. It could not operate its frontline services and continue to help save lives without the support of its dedicated volunteers – such as Yorkshire’s Poppy Barnes.

The Children’s Air Ambulance is a national service – operated by The Air Ambulance Service – which is changing the face of paediatric and neonatal care through the high-speed transfer of critically ill babies and children – flying them from one hospital to another for specialist care.

Two clinically designed helicopters, one based in Doncaster, provide flying intensive care units and work with 10 NHS paediatric retrieval teams across the UK.

Poppy (22) has been a community volunteer for The Air Ambulance Service since 2018 and began volunteering for the vital Children’s service last September where she now leads the Hull Fundraising Group.

“Volunteering is not a job, it’s a hobby and a great way to join a new community. I think the best feeling is when you get your uniform for the first time and being able to put it on and know you’re making a difference for someone out there,” says Poppy.

Poppy supports the charity with bucket collections, major events, marshalling races and looks after collection tins within the Hull region. The brave student also undertook a skydive for the children’s charity in 2019, and throughout lockdown Poppy has been invaluable in helping the Community Fundraiser with vital research.

Poppy – along with all the Children’s Air Ambulance volunteers – will be celebrated and thanked by the charity during this year’s Volunteers’ Week, for the invaluable difference she makes.

Head of Volunteering for the charity, Sue Haslett adds:

“This Volunteers’ Week, the charity is celebrating the fantastic contribution of all our volunteers, like Poppy.

“Our volunteers help in a variety of different ways across the charity, whether they’re raising funds out in the community, supporting in our offices or warehouse, delivering projects, or helping in our shops – every hour that they give makes a difference.

“We couldn’t operate without them and I’d like to say a big thank you to each and every volunteer for their ongoing support which helps us to save lives.”

The Children’s Air Ambulance want to provide volunteers with a fulfilling and satisfying experience that comes with a range of benefits including new skills, increased confidence, friendships and the opportunity to make a difference to people in need.

To learn more about how you can volunteer, please click here.