Polaroid Frame Tribute photo

In Memory of

Robin Price

In memory of Robin Price

Robin's story

Dad sadly passed away peacefully on the 26th December 2020 after a long illness. He lived life to the full and enjoyed many sports and hobbies such as motor cross, flying light aircraft, rugby, tennis and skiing. The air ambulance was a cause he felt strongly about, so any donations would be greatly received.

Remembered by Jackie Langridge, Daughter

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Robin Price's Tributes

  • We are already missing our happy little chats - about flying, about his sheep and about our mutual skiing experiences as senior citizens ! Lasting fond memories.
    Donated by Barry & Julia Andrews
  • I first met Robin In the FFD days. A great man, great company, dedicated designer/engineer. RIP Robin.
    Donated by Paul French
  • You will leave a large hole in a lot of lives. Doug
    Donated by David Fryer
  • Goodby Rob and thanks for the memories.
    Donated by William Worrall
  • With fond remembrance, Brian
    Donated by Brian Holt
  • So many memories of countless occasions. Rob and Nicky were so much a part of our lives for so many years and Rob's life was a lesson to us all, to make the best of every single day.
    Donated by Robin Aird
  • Thanks for some wonderful memories and the fun on the on the tennis court and in the bar afterwards - and for making a Yorkshireman welcome in Warwickshire!
    Donated by Geoff and Gerlinde Prince
  • In memory of Robin - a lovely man.
    Donated by Tim Lawson
  • Happy memories of Bond Companions Club holidays in our later years. Robin will be remembered fondly by all in our group, may you rest in peace.
    Donated by Val Percival
  • Thank you Rob for many enjoyable times both on and off the tennis court. Martin & Sue
    Donated by Martin & Lusby
  • It was a pleasure to have flown with you Robin. Blues skies.
    Donated by Clifford Hawkins
  • I shall miss the dry humour and putting the world to rights but most of all a good kind hearted man. RIP Robin
    Donated by Peter Dubber
  • Thanks for the most fun times of my working life and setting an example for us to follow. You will be sadly missed at our get-togethers
    Donated by Gerald Andrews
  • 60 years of memories of Rob and Nicky that will last forever
    Donated by Aubrey Adcock
  • Remembering the happy times we spent with you Rob x
    Donated by John and Sue Fellows
  • From Jane and Jonathan Meredith in memory of a dear friend of near 50 years; will be missed by many.
    Donated by Jonathan Meredith
  • Robin lived life to the full. May we all follow in his fine footsteps.
    Donated by Debbie Frost
  • Rob was a close friend, whose company I have enjoyed over the last 40 odd years. We competed in the squash court, on the tennis court, on the golf course and even at indoor bowls during the last few winters. He has left his friends with many happy memories, which we will continue to recall especially on the golf course. Those moments of both triumph and despair that we shared with him. How we will miss him but he leaves us with memories, which will never fail to bring smiles to our faces. Rest in peace dear friend.
    Donated by Robin Adams
  • So many great memories of exciting times at FFD, and then again much later with racing. He made sure he got everything out of life and all it had to offer. Gone much too early .
    Donated by Stuart Rolt

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