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We’re Celebrating International Thank You Day
It’s International Thank You Day, so we thought so thought we would make the most of the opportunity to thank all of those that help us be the best charity we can, as well as share some of the thank yous.
Our Volunteers
Without our volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to achieve half of what we do. With so many people dedicated to using their time and efforts to support us at events, spread the messages in the community and help raise awareness of the work we do, we can’t thank them enough.
A message from our Volunteering Team, Blue Skies House;
“Saying Thank You to all our volunteers just doesn’t seem enough for all the time and hard work that you give to the charity. Each one of you as part of our team make a huge difference to the people we help.”
Our Supporters
Whether you’ve experienced our services first hand, know of someone who has, or you simply admire the work we do, without your constant support we wouldn’t have raised the funds to develop our services into what they are today.
Whether it’s giving us a one-off donation, committing to a monthly spend or visiting our stores and cafes, the proceeds you’ve given have created a world-class service that saves lives daily – thank you from us and those we’ve helped.
Our Legacy Supporters
Some of our supporters are sadly no longer with us but have generously included donations in their Will. These incredible gifts mean so much to us and our patients and we can’t thank anyone enough for considering including a gift in their Will.
Our Crew
It’s a fact that without our dedicated and incredibly talented crew members, we wouldn’t be able to provide the life-saving service we do. The advancements in their skills and the intensive medical training they go through to help those in need is simply amazing. Here are some of the thank you’s we’ve received directly from our supporters and patients;
Our Staff
Behind the scenes, there’s our hard-working staff who run our shops, take your calls and arrange events, as well as so much more. Without the hard work of everyone who gives 110% day to day, we wouldn’t be half as successful in our missions to raise vital funds to keep our services in action.
If you want to be part of our team, you can read more about our vacancies here.