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Running into 2019…Part 6
Well, they say it comes in threes….nnYou couldn’t write it; yet here we are! My beautiful little niece, Pip, shared more than her support last week resulting in me contracting the worst sickness bug I have had in a long while! She also seemed to handle it a lot better than I did… I was down and out for the count. Needless to say not much running, in the sense of training, was accomplished. I had no food for over 24 hours which for those of you who know me, was tragic! I then went onto the exciting toast which was followed by more toast. It left me with no energy at all, even the stairs left me out of breath!nnI have now stomached chicken, vegetables and rice and have been overloading the fruit so I’m slowly getting back to normal. Thursday was, in fact, my first run since the previous week which went ok-ish. I managed almost 8 miles, but there may have been some tears shed!nnOne thing I was most gutted about, apart from the lack of training obviously, I missed a Pyjama Day in the office which was organised by some great colleagues to help me raise more money for our great Children’s Air Ambulance! They raised over £100 which raised my spirits and seeing photos of them in their pyjamas equally did!nnI’m hoping this is the third and final setback and it’s all downhill from here… an incline I’m hoping the whole marathon will be actually. It really has been pushing me to my limits so I appreciate any further support you can give to help me on my mission.DonateThanks, Cam