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National Virtual Challenge could help keep the Children’s Air Ambulance flying

National Virtual Challenge could help keep the Children’s Air Ambulance flying

The Children’s Air Ambulance (TCAA) has joined forces with Curly’s Athletes Limited to keep people active while helping to save the lives of babies and children across the UK.

The Children’s Air Ambulance which recently celebrated its 500th mission, transferring a five-day-old baby and mother back to their local hospital in Doncaster from the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, receives no government funding and relies solely on public donations and fundraising events to remain operational.

While the country is in lockdown, individuals are encouraged to sign up to enter ‘Curly’s Big Charity Challenge’ and to either make a donation or fundraise by creating a just giving page.

The challenge is simple – log the minutes for whatever physical activity you choose and you’ll join the leader board. Participants can choose any exercise they want and every day will receive an activity, should they need a bit of inspiration.

Join the challenge as a family, group, or as individuals, being sure to stick to the government advice for exercising and social distancing – all you need is a desire to stay active.

On behalf of Curly’s Athletes Ltd, Jonathan Fry, says: “We’re very well known for trying to do everything ourselves and we obsess with making a difference.

“However we can’t fly helicopters, so we leave that to the experts and the Children’s Air Ambulance provide an incredible service to the babies and children who need them – how could we not help!”

Sharon Evans, TCAA Community Fundraising Officer, adds: “This is a great way to adhere to the government’s guidelines, but still be able to keep active, do something with your friendship group, and help keep hope alive for the little lives we fly.

“The Children’s Air Ambulance are continuing to fly missions through this difficult period, providing vital support to the NHS and relying solely on donations, so we need your help now more than ever.”

 To sign up to Curly’s Big Charity Challenge, visit