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Meet our Clinical Liasion Officer
Patients who have been attended by your local air ambulance- and family members – often have questions about the treatment they received from our critical care crew. Knowing and understanding what happened to them and why can often help with their long-term recovery.
For this reason, we have created the new role of Clinical Liaison Officer and are pleased to announce the appointment of Justine Alexander – who joins us with 16 years frontline pre-hospital experience working for West Midlands Ambulance Service as an Emergency Technician and Paramedic.
She is the first point of contact at your local air ambulance for patients who are in the recovery process and beyond.
“I will be working closely with patients and their families offering a clinical debrief to explain interventions, treatments and medical care which took place during their time with us. This will, hopefully, help them understand what happened and why,” she says.
Justine will also be developing a feedback system for clinical crews and patients to enhance clinical care and patient experience in the future. She is always available to deal with any clinical-related patient enquiries and can be contacted by email.