Leicester’s Big 10k

Join us, and other fantastic fundraising members of #TeamMission, who are taking part in exciting events such as Leicester’s Big 10k and raising lifesaving funds for Your Local Air Ambulance.
The route is significantly flat and takes you through Leicestershire’s stunning Abbey Park, located in the Centre of Leicester. With over 1200 entrants choosing to take part in previous years, Leicester’s Big 10K has proven to be a popular choice for both first time 10K runners as well as the more seasoned, experienced runners looking to smash their PB’s.
Register for this event, then once you’re done please let us know that you’re taking part where someone from #TeamMission HQ will then be in touch and will provide you with all of the support and guidance you will need to make sure your Fundraising efforts are a great success!
If you have any further questions about this event or any others then please don’t hesitate to contact us.