Your donations help us be there for people in remote locations, in need of urgent medical care.
When Emily’s grandfather, drove the school minibus for a day trip to the Derbyshire woods, he never expected any passengers to travel one-way of the journey. Especially his granddaughter. When he heard one of the students had fallen from some rocks and needed help from the air ambulance, he was worried.
When the rest of the class returned to the bus without Emily, his worst fears were realised. Emily had broken her hip and required urgent pain relief and advanced medical care. Your local air ambulance was called and just 13 minutes later our critical care crew were kneeling beside her. She was given advanced pain relief before being splinted and prepared for transfer to the aircraft.
Due to her location, Emily was transferred out of the woods in a 4×4 to our waiting helicopter where she was then flown to Royal Derby Hospital. She underwent urgent hip surgery and, after five days, was discharged with a hip spica plaster, needing a zimmer frame and crutches during her recovery.
Grateful for the life-saving intervention, Emily and her friends have been raising funds for the local air ambulance service. Your donations make such rescues possible, ensuring help reaches those in remote locations. Thank you for your continued support.

It was really scary when I broke my hip. I’ve had a big operation and they’ve put three screws in my leg. I think it’s amazing that the helicopter came to get me. I’ll never forget them.
Your donations helped us reach over 3,500 people who needed our help in 2023. Each rescue mission costs over £2,300, but your donation today, whatever the amount, will ensure we help more people in their time of need like Emily.

If 100 people like you, gave just £23, we can fund another lifesaving mission to save someone like Emily.

If you’d like to donate on our regular giving
Regular gifts enable us to plan, giving us sustainable long-term income and are easily set up on our donate form. Payments come out once a month via Direct Debit and can be as little or as much as you choose, as any gift, no matter the size, help to keep our helicopters flying.

Get involved in our fundraising events
Organise your own incredible challenge event, come to one of our fundraising dinners, or join an event and challenge yourself to help raise awareness and vital funds for our services