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We rely on the generosity of the public to keep our vital service flying and we’re well on our way to completing 40,000 missions!
However piles of waste are currently being dumped outside the store, including carpet cuttings and broken toys, and this costs the charity money to dispose of them. This diverts funds away from lifesaving missions and waste collection from The Hanger has cost the charity the equivalent of around 10 missions since it opened in February.
We are urging the generous public supporters to only donate quality items while rubbish should be taken to a recycling centre.
Commenting on the issue, Retail Area Manager Marc Williamson said: “We love the things the public donate to our store but unfortunately not everything can be resold owing to condition, safety, or hygiene reasons.
“Please think whether you’d buy it yourself. If not, then it probably won’t sell in our store either. As a charity we do not get free waste disposal or recycling so every donation we can’t sell ends up costing our amazing cause money instead of your intention to make the air ambulance vital funds.”